
  • Carlos Macias Investigador Independiente
  • Erick Josué Guadamud Soledispa INGELECME S.A.
  • Víctor Alejandro Lino Calle Unidad Educativa Ciudad de Jipijapa https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2302-3489
  • Daniel David Carvajal Rivadeneira Doctorando en Dirección de Proyectos, Universidad de Investigación e Innovación de México




Drinking water, water efficiency, operational planning, drinking water networks.


This study evaluated the lack of capacity to meet the freshwater supply needs of the inhabitants of the rural area of Jipijapa canton in the province of Manabí. The population faces environmental problems such as deforestation, scarcity of freshwater sources, and unplanned population growth. Due to these problems, the need arises to implement optimization models adapted to the local characteristics of the Jipijapa canton to deal responsibly and efficiently with the challenges presented by drinking water management. Considering the growing demand, climate variability, efficient resource allocation, resilience to extreme weather events, and improvement of supply quality, the objective of the research was to design an optimal operational planning model for the drinking water network in Jipijapa. The methods used in the research were the geometric method, the arithmetic method, the logarithmic method and design flow rates; we worked with a 20-year population projection: from 2023 to 2043. The results obtained indicate that the data taken can be used to perform a preliminary analysis of the flow calculations, since they meet 95% of feasibility with respect to the normal trend and finally the Radar and Histogram Graphs show that the quality of Qdesign, Qdistribution and Qmaxhourly are effective due to the fact that there is dispersion in the projected results.


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How to Cite

Macias, C., Guadamud Soledispa, E. J., Lino Calle, V. A. ., & Carvajal Rivadeneira , D. D. (2024). OPERATIONAL PLANNING IN POTABLE WATER NETWORKS FOR THE CITY OF JIPIJAPA. REVISTA ALCANCE, 7(1). https://doi.org/10.47230/ra.v7i1.61

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