
  • Victor Lino Unidad Educativa Ciudad Jipijapa https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2302-3489
  • Daniel David Carvajal Rivadeneira Doctorando en Dirección de Proyectos, Universidad de Investigación e Innovación de México
  • Jaime Leonel Muñoz Zambrano Programa de Maestría en Planificación de Infraestructura Física de Obras Civiles – Instituto de Posgrado Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí
  • Yandry Marcelo Intriago Delgado Instituto de GeoGebra, Universidad Técnica de Manabí




Análisis de datos, Jamovi, estadística y diseño de experimentos


In the Statistics and Design of Experiments course of the Master's Degree in Physical Infrastructure Planning of Civil Works of the Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí (UNESUM), the aim is to promote a holistic approach where the theoretical and practical parts are combined. This study is carried out due to the imperative need to modernize educational and professional practices in statistics and design of experiments. The research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of Jamovi as a tool for data analysis. The methodology adopted is observational, cross-sectional and analytical. This work includes the review of research reports of the students of the first cohort, in addition a checklist was designed to evaluate key aspects of the use of Jamovi, and the application of theoretical approaches such as analytical-synthetic and inductive-deductive. Participants highlight the tool's ability to simplify statistical analysis, improve the interpretation of descriptive results and facilitate the application of hypothesis testing. In the conclusion, the strategic importance of adopting modern and accessible tools, such as Jamovi, is highlighted. This prepares students to face future analytical challenges in physical infrastructure planning of civil works and responds to the growing need to adapt to a constantly evolving technological environment. The research advocates the integration of tools of this type in the educational environment, highlighting their role in the optimization of analytical processes and the training of skilled professionals.


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How to Cite

Lino, V., Carvajal Rivadeneira , D. D., Muñoz Zambrano , J. L. ., & Intriago Delgado , Y. M. (2024). JAMOVI AS A TOOL FOR DATA ANALYSIS IN THE SUBJECT OF STATISTICS AND DESIGN OF EXPERIMENTS. REVISTA ALCANCE, 7(1). https://doi.org/10.47230/ra.v7i1.62

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