



: teaching, learning, conflict, strategy


Bullying and academic performance in basic education students have an intrinsic relationship, given that it is regularly revealed that students who are victims of abuse find it difficult to get involved in the teaching-learning process; a situation that also affects the perpetrator and the observer. The objective is to implement a pedagogical strategy to prevent bullying and the academic performance of basic education students. The methodology used contemplated the methods from the theoretical order: historical – logical, analysis – synthesis, inductive – deductive. The main results were: that students know about the issue of bullying, which has been addressed in training and general talks; however, it is revealed that there are manifestations of disrespect among classmates, which motivates conflicts of various natures. 60% of students indicated that they had been victims of bullying, with emphasis on offensive nicknames, theft of supplies and verbal abuse, including cyberbullying. In conclusion, implementing the pedagogical strategy for preventing bullying is essential for improving the academic performance of basic education students of the aforementioned educational unit.


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How to Cite

Ososrio, A. maria, Matute Castro, G. R. ., Pinargote Piloso, C. A. ., & Loor Campozano, C. A. (2024). BULLYING AND ITS IMPACT ON ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN BASIC EDUCATION. REVISTA ALCANCE, 7(1). https://doi.org/10.47230/ra.v7i1.68

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